I was looking on Etsy awhile ago and I came across nunchuck floggers that I really took a liking to. I started to zoom in on the pictures more and more, breaking down the construction of each set of floggers and had the thought “Man, I could make those.” But then it truly hit me, I CAN make those! The next day, I went to Home Depot to look for the hardware I’d need to start. Being unsuccessful in my search, I asked an employee where the items were located. He gave me a puzzling look and asked “What are you building?” I couldn’t come up with an excuse quick enough so I said “Nevermind!” and quickly took my search to a different aisle.
I’ve been working on my design for many years. I’ve went through a plethora of various nunchuck handles, hardware to put it all together, and so many different types of fabrics and leathers for the tails until I was happy. Now, knowing all that, I’m able to better fabricate a custom flogger per a person’s request.

To date, my Magnum Opus. The red leather is a reflective cowhide and the black is deerhide. The cowhide gives good weight to each strike, as well does it being treated, provides a loud smack. The deerhide is lighter and softer, which is a noticeable difference in the sensation than a complete cowhide flogger.

Completely deerhide tails. A bit lighter for my preference. But, the customer was extremely happy.

My current selection of available leather, from left to right
- Silver, reflective, cowhide
- White, cowhide
- Gold, reflective, cowhide
- Red, reflective, cowhide
- Black, deerhide
- Red, double-sided suede, cowhide
- Black, double-sided suede, cowhide
- Blue, double-sided suede, cowhide
- Purple, double-sided suede, cowhide